• Website Festival Ecoplant


Website Ecoplant Festival

project details

We made a Website for Ecoplant Festival. Our generation is all about our clean planet. Its not our style to party with lots of plastic waste and kill our nature just because of having fun our selves. Carbon free energy recourses are the first step to create a better eco friendly festival. No diesel generators, no smelly and loud old fashioned equipment. Green energy free from the Sun! We will have to create a better clean world with the best of the new world to offer. Our mission is to made a website that show that you can place a Ecoplant on you festival. The website is with a lot of colors and animations. Take a look: festival.ecoplant.solar Are you interested and do you want that we make a website for you? You can send us a massage and we can plan a appointment to discuss about the opportunities.

project summary

client name
launch date
12 March 2020
Website, Animation, Design